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Covid-19 Update


Following the government lockdown announcement for England on 4th January 2021, Periosouth remains open.  


Please note that it is permissible to attend for medical and dental care whilst following government guidance during lockdown and, as such, we look forward to seeing you. 


Our COVID-19 protocols remain in place to ensure we maintain a safe environment for treating patients.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support.


With best wishes


The Periosouth Team


We are open and looking forward to seeing you!


Now that vaccines are available, there is light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel!  It will be several months before enough of the population are vaccinated and as such we will be required to continue our Covid protocols until it is safe not to do so.


Our commitment to patient safety has always been evident at Periosouth, with infection control a priority.  Since the arrival of Covid-19, patient safety as well as the safety of our staff, is now even more important.  There are new safety guidelines, which have been introduced since the arrival or coronavirus, which will be apparent when you next come to see us. 



We need to ensure that social distancing is followed where possible and therefore will need to limit the number of patients in the reception area, in particular.  As such, we will have markers initially indicating a 2 metre distance, however a 1m+ guide is the recommendation when wearing face coverings.  If you have your own face covering, please put it on in your car before you get out.  We will advise you when you can take it off before treatment starts.  We may issue masks at busier times, where appropriate for your safety, with a bag to put your mask in during treatment.




If you have had an appointment cancelled by us, during lockdown, we should have contacted you to rearrange your appointment(s). However, if this has not happened yet, please contact us.


Please do not come to the practice to arrange an appointment in person.  We would prefer you to arrange your appointments by telephone on +44 1962 767900 or email: .  Please give us as much detail as possible, if you have more urgent needs.  Since re-opening, our phone lines have been very busy.




You will be contacted by a member of the Periosouth Team and you will need to answer some questions about your health.  If you currently have symptoms of Covid19, or you are self-isolating, because either you or someone in your household has symptoms of Covid, we will not be able to offer you an appointment for at least 14 days.  In addition, please call us if you have had any of the following newly diagnosed conditions: Heart, lung, kidney disease, diabetes or any auto-immune disorder.

You will be advised of an available appointment and though we will do our very best to accommodate your needs, we may have a little less flexibility in appointment times, initially.



Please wait in your car until your allocated appointment time.  Then make your way to outside the new entrance, which is signposted, following the guidance indicated by the social distance markings.  Please make sure you have your mobile phone with you if there is any need to speak to our receptionist.  You will enter via the side door where you will be met, have your temperature taken as well as a Covid screen and then taken into your surgery.  


Please attend alone, but if you need to bring a carer/ escort they can assist you into the building but will then have to wait outside during your treatment. 


You will be asked to clean your hands with alcohol gel/ foam, as has been customary for over 15 years at Periosouth.  If you have a temperature over 37.8C or you have answered questions indicating you may have or live with someone who has symptoms, we will not be able to offer you treatment.


You will also be asked to use an antiviral mouthwash as soon as your face covering is removed.



Ideally, we would like individuals attending Periosouth to use the toilet facilities as little as possible and as such prepare for this when leaving home or work.  We do, however, recognise that some patients travel quite distance to get to us and therefore will require toilet use, as well as those with specific medical conditions.  Please ask one of our staff when being met at the door, should use of a toilet be required.




After your treatment session you will be escorted to reception, where the door will be left open. You will exit via the main door as usual.  



Procedures will be constantly reviewed to keep everyone safe.


Please be aware that current guidance indicates that we can’t shake hands and that we will have to greet you with our masks on and hope that you understand that we will still be our usual selves behind our masks and visors!

The intention of this communication is to keep you updated and advise you of what your specialist periodontal or implant care might look like for the immediate future. 


You have all been so patient and we are grateful for the kind messages we have had during lockdown.  Thank you for bearing with us at this time. 


Best wishes from the Periosouth Team

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